Monthly Archive: February 2011

Takeda Discontinue Dasen Enzymes

Takeda are the biggest pharmaceutical company in Japan and on the 21st February they voluntarily withdrew their Dasen® anti-inflammatory enzyme product from the market in Japan. In the official press release it says: Osaka, Japan, February 21, 2011 – Takeda…
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Why So Many Different Enzymes?

Enzymes are often described as the catalyst of life and their role as the enabling agent should not be underestimated. Whilst the body uses enzymes for a myriad of different functions there are two types which are used therapeutically: Systemic…
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Are EMFs Damaging Your Health?

Dr Ollie Johansson PhD is from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute. Having met with scientists from around the world and debated peer reviewed papers he has announced, as Chair of the Seletun Scientific Committee, that agreement has been reached amongst them that…
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